Tuesday, January 12, 2010

2010, a new beginning!

So I started off 2010 at my friends girlfriends house, quite unaware that the new year had begun.. as I was stumbling around I was unaware of every problem that once troubled me before the vodka hit my lips. Something triggered tears, as I leant amoung my car calling out for her endlessly. I only remember two things from that night which were 1, a basket of chips being thrown at my head by the bffl, Carina & 2, the tumbling sloppy wobbling attempt at walking to my car to drive to my "love", yet I didn't have my keys.. I also remember trying to open the door yet being locked, it was a failure on my behalf.

Ive been working at Australia Post for 1 month and 1 week now. It's a great experience and I hope to never have to leave my job! It has it's ups & downs but all in all it is a job that you want to hold down while you still can. I enjoy the early starts & early finishes, because it enables me to do things that I wouldn't normally do in reguards to normal working hours. When I'm at work, I think about the 2nd Family.

I miss them alot, thinking about them most of the time.. they are the only anything holding me together and keeping me strong. When it comes to my "love", they always keep me thinking of the positive.. which brings me to well, the positive! My car is finally on track again, with the project going quite well. Today it is going to the mechanics for an engine swap, which by the way I'm gee'd about!!! :D! Sadly I have had my licence suspended for 3 months. it's a total scam, 1 accidental fine can cause you to loose your licence & I guess your job also!